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2 min read

Using Mobile Text Alerts for Business

The world has certainly gone mobile. Everywhere you turn, you see people strapped to their mobile phones, using it for almost every purpose – making calls, sending messages, watching movies, listening to music, playing games and doing work. Your mobile device is with you 24/7, waking you up with its alarm feature and putting you to sleep with ambient music or maybe an ebook.

mobile alerts

Therefore it is only natural and logical to make use of the mobile phone – and consequently – mobile text alerts as a tool for emergency notification.

Why Mobile Text Alerts?

Text messages are probably the most common form of communication among people. Text messaging has become so ingrained in popular culture that it has changed the way people communicate. Unlike phone calls, text messaging allows people to have a choice about when and how to communicate, as replying does not have to be immediate.

The development of smart technology has made the mobile phone an even better tool in keeping people in an organization connected, informed and therefore safe through mobile text alerts.

There are many channels used in mass notification systems, but these channels are not created equal. Here are six points that make mobile text alerts an ideal means of notifying big groups of people, especially for the purpose of emergency alerting and business continuity:

1. Text alerts are received and read immediately. Because mobile texts are instantly delivered, they are the perfect channel for sending time-sensitive messages. If you need to inform your employees about urgent matters, mobile alerts are the way to go.

2. Mobile alerts allow you to have a continuous connection with your staff. Most people have their phones with them 24/7. While this means you can phone them anytime, voice calls are not very reliable – especially if you are sharing important details. With text alerts, you can constantly communicate pertinent information to your staff.

3. Mobile message alerts draw attention. Yes, your people have their own personal lives outside of work. Even during office hours, your employees and staff can choose not to read the emails you send or even dodge your calls. But you can bet your sweet bippy that your text message will be noticed. We do not know what kind of magic text alerts hold over people; we just know that the magic works.

4. People actually read mobile alerts. There is something about text messages that shout, “read me, read me, read me.” Statistics show that 97 percent of text messages sent are read within 15 minutes upon receipt. If you compare this with email, which has a read rate of 5 percent, you will surely think about sending emails again.

5. Mobile text alert systems are now made affordable. The common notion is that using mobile text alerts as a part of the mass notification system of an organization can be an expensive move. However, sending text alerts has been made cost-effective through developments in technology. Plus, there are now mass notification systems that include tools like mobile text alerts.

6. Text alerts can be sent to any kind of phone. It seems like everyone has a smartphone nowadays, but there are some people who just cannot use one for work – especially in locations with spotty data coverage, or worse, no coverage at all. Plus, there are some workers who still opt for the good ole mobile phone. With SMS alerts, you can reach any of your employees – whether they are using a smartphone or not. 

If you need to inform your staff about new policies, product updates or any other matter pertinent to the smooth and continuous running of your business or if you need to communicate information during emergency situations, you should use mobile alerts. Combined with other channels in your mass notification system, text alerts will complete the circle and ensure that everyone is fully in the know.

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