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2 min read

Ways to Improve Communication in the Workplace

Any organization – regardless of size or industry – needs internal communication in order to function effectively. But while some companies are contented with the internal communications they have had in place since time and memorial, other organizations constantly go about improving internal communication in the workplace.

With staff members coming in and out of companies and evolving with the changing financial climate of today’s world, there really is a constant need to improve and alter communication strategies in the workplace. Seeking ways to further engage employees and improve methods in which management communicates with the workforce will not only increase productivity, but will also bolster creativity and efficiency in the workplace.

Here are some of the actionable steps companies can take so that they can improve communications at work:

1. Make sure that employees are always able to access “sticky information”

“Sticky information” is internal knowledge that every company has. This is information that all staff members come to understand, and it helps them navigate their way through their work and through the organization. It includes information such as how the company goes about work processes, ranging from protocols to other best practices.

Improving internal communication means giving employees access to “sticky information” by including it in their training and allowing them to use important internal documents as references.

2. Have a clear and definite mission and vision for the company

Make sure that employees know and understand the mission and vision of the company. Do this by including these in their corporate training and regularly reminding employees about them. When staff members are working towards specific goals, they are able to align themselves and their work towards these so that the company is able to move forward and find success. Not only is this a method for improving internal communication, it also allows for a more unified team.

3. Strengthen working relationships and connections

While it is certainly true that employees should be able to develop strong working relationships with their colleagues, it is even more vital for staff members to strengthen their working bonds with their managers. This strengthening should be prioritized and addressed during training programs and workshops.

Remember that managers who have open lines of communication with their employees are seen as more trustworthy. Employees feel that they can trust them to address their individual concerns.

4. Create a work environment that is conducive to open dialogue

Improving internal communication is about consistency. Make sure to always keep your staff members up to date about what is going on with the company, about the organization’s progress and future plans. Updates can be done through email correspondences, meetings, and even company newsletters. Aside from providing them with the information they want and need, makes sure to involve employees in discussions. Allow and encourage them to speak up, to share ideas and ask questions. Remember that employees who are up to date regarding the goings-on in the company are more likely to feel valued, and are more likely willing and able to take part in the progress and success of the company.

5. Utilize online project management applications

There are tons of tools available today that not only help improve communication in the workplace, but also help each one keep track of the progress of projects. Face-to-face interaction is always important; but, online project management applications help in time management, organization and documentation.

6. Plan events outside the office

Get to know your staff members outside the office. Plan a get-together after work, or plan a holiday party. Not only will these events be something employees look forward to, they can also boost engagement and improve communication in the workplace.

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