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2 min read

Weather Systems and Business Operations

Although it is still a debatable issue, climate change (or global warming) poses risks that the planet has not faced in recent history. Temperature levels have been rising in a trend unseen before, and severe storms are plaguing vulnerable parts of the world. This has resulted in massive loss of lives and properties. Because of this, disaster and weather preparedness has become a necessity for individuals and organizations alike. For people living in high-risk areas, disaster preparedness means having the ability to pack their belongings and transfer to a safer location in a timely manner. For organizations, disaster preparedness means being able to know accurate, prompt, and complete information regarding the weather to make sound decisions regarding operations.

weather alert

For businesses, accurate and timely weather information can be accessed through weather and news bulletins on TV and online. More recently, updates can be delivered through desktop weather alerts. This system allows regular updates, as well as bulletin on extreme weather forecasts, to be delivered straight to clients’ laptops. Contrary to getting the information from the internet and broadcast media, updates sent to desktops are more real-time. Important notices regarding severe weather conditions can also be pushed towards the subscribers, ensuring that people are notified about possible dangerous conditions. Having the ability to get information as soon as it is available gives individuals and organizations the maximum amount of lead time to make important decisions regarding future weather conditions.

Having a desktop weather alerts system also provides a vast network of weather information in different cities around the world. The option to see the weather conditions of a city thousands of miles away from the subscriber is now at their fingertips, one click away. Most online weather agencies now offer desktop alerts systems, tantamount to offering their whole network of information at the subscribers’ beck and call.

Here are other information that a client of desktop weather alerts may get:

  • Current conditions. Regular updates regarding the weather conditions in a selected area. This includes local temperature, humidity, heat index, rainfall value, wind speed, and other basic information.
  • Severe weather alerts. Information regarding hurricanes, tornadoes, hail storms, thunderstorms, flooding, and other sudden shifts in the weather patterns of a location can also be accessed and pushed through notifications.
  • Animated radar. For a more visual and detailed presentation of weather conditions, an animated radar showing recent cloud and storm information can also be made available.
  • Weather images. Curated photos and videos of current and past weather systems are usually posted for subscribers to see the immediate effects of severe weather conditions
  • Weather news. Weather information alone could be confusing for some people, so stories with context regarding the origins and effects of some weather phenomena could shed some light on how to understand future weather information that they will receive.

Desktop weather alerts are proving to be a new convenience that helps a lot of individuals and organizations in making decisions. Weather information at one’s disposal is a new resource that proves to be essential, especially for businesses. Recently, an information drive regarding weather conditions has been developed by businesses. This is called Atmospheric and Environmental Research (AER), which uses weather data and information to assess risks and opportunities in the context of the information at hand. AERs rely on information from reliable sources like government establishments and established weather agencies. Through AER, businesses can have access to long-term collaborations for weather information and insight that has the context of years of forecasting, making it prime resource for business risk preventions and decision making. This kind of information resource has been simplified into accessible systems like desktop weather alerts, now made available for everyone.

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