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2 min read

Welcome to the Future: Why Digital Screens Take the Spotlight

Getting the attention of a huge number of people can prove to be tricky, even in a high foot traffic area. This gets even more trickier when people tend to focus on their own businesses like checking their phones, texting, and calling. Because of this, signages, even though they are mostly visual in nature, need to “shout” their messages. Clever ideas for physical and actual signages on paper or tarpaulin have been employed to garner more attention from people passing by, but people’s attention spans are getting shorter and shorter as more content find their way in front of people’s eyes (through their phones).

Recent innovations have allowed displays to come to life from papers and tarpaulins into digital signage screens. These screens are small computers built to display images and videos to a large number of people. On surface level, we could assume that this kind of visual medium is a far better version than paper and tarpaulin displays, but let us take a look into the other benefits of having digital displays.

Moving images

Digital signage screens are capable of displaying moving pictures and videos. This can attract more attention from everyone passing by the screen. Some displays could also stream sound, which adds to potential to attract attention from people. Messages could also be delivered with videos instead of static images. Narratives can be used to send a message more effectively.


Aside from moving images and videos, digital displays can also rotate through different messages of varying lengths. It can shift from static images, to video presentations, to slideshows of posters and pictures. This is convenient because it can display a whole range of messages with just one screen. This is a cost-efficient alternative to printing different posters and displaying them in different areas.


Because these displays are digital in nature, updates, corrections, and adjustments could be made to the display. For example, announcement of schedules could be adjusted quickly using the software for such displays. Additional information could also be displayed should people request for more information. Once the feedback from the people has been received by the team responsible for the digital signage screens, proper adjustments can be made, which makes the messages more adapted to the tastes and sensitivities of its audience.


Such kinds of display can also be connected to the Internet. While connected to the Internet, real-time information can be input in the displays, such as tweets and other social network updates. Other content from the Internet can also be pulled and streamed through the displays. Aside from an Internet connection, these displays could also be connected to local area network just like a normal computer. Through local networks, live video announcements and conferencing could be conducted using the displays. With smart positioning of these displays, emergency announcements could be broadcast in a short span of time.


With the capability of connection, digital signage screens can also be interactive. Participants can come from social networks. Feedback regarding announcements can be pooled from members who are reacting via their respective social networking accounts. These screens could also be touch-responsive, also known as touch screens. Through touch screen messages, more attention could be attracted by inviting people to participate in interactive messages. Messages could also be displayed only for select people, confirmed by inputting secure details. Announcements composed into an interactive game can also help in people retaining the information from these displays.

Digital signage screens are continuing to see more developments when it comes to technology. As these developments unfurl, more efficient ways of reaching the audience and helping them retain the messages displayed can be learned and implemented with such a flexible device.

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