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2 min read

Modern Ways to Communicate in the Work Place

For more than two decades, the email has been the top communication channel in the office. It is easy to use and sending is a breeze. While it is fast and efficient, email has its shortcomings as a communication tool. One is that there is always the risk that important email messages are drowned in a typical worker’s inbox, what with the numerous messages received on a daily basis.

According to the 2014-2018 Email Statistics Report, the average number of business-related email that an office worker receives in a day is 121. If you think that the number is very high, then think again. The same report indicates the number of emails a day would increase to 140 in 2018. That’s nearly 18 email messages every hour!

It is not surprising that corporate communicators are looking at different ways to get their messages across because email is far from being an effective communication tool. The following are modern communication channels being utilized in the workplace:

1. Desktop Alerts

The desktop may be the ideal communication medium, because it is something that all employees will see during their time in the office. The availability of corporate desktop wallpaper software has allowed communications groups to use the computer desktop in communicating important news and announcements to employees.

With a corporate desktop wallpaper software, it is possible to customize the wallpaper of desktop PCs. Communications groups can use posters announcing a news or reminding employees about an event with the aid of a corporate desktop wallpaper software.

2. Digital Signage

It has been said that people are more visual, and this fact has been exploited by digital signage in the office.

By installing large TV screens in strategic locations around the office, corporate communicators can loop dynamic content ranging from updates and announcements from the management, sales figures and media coverage, and event reminders that employees should know.

It can also be used by management to increase employee engagement by recognizing top performers in the organization.

Digital signage can be installed along hallways, cafeterias, break rooms, and central locations. It is an effective way of communicating to employees because messages are presented in a unique and creative way. Moreover it helps cut down on burdensome emails and paper clutter. There’s no wastage of resources too unlike in printing posters because information can just be updated, or replaced when no longer relevant.

3. Instant Messaging

Instant messaging programs let employees to make video calls and voice calls; chat and send multimedia messages, among others. This is an indispensable tool for group collaboration, as team members can communicate with each other no matter where they are.

Instant messaging applications are accessible on desktop PCs as well as iOS and Android mobile devices. Some allow members to connect with multiple people from all over the world. Team members can hold videoconferences and livestream events and meetings.

4. Enterprise Social Media

It’s like Facebook for internal communication, but designed more for team-building and collaboration. Enterprise social media applications allow employees to share internal information. In this type of communication tool, team members can create their own profile pages, post status updates, and send private messages. They can also like and comment on the status updates or anything shared by their colleagues.

Indeed, times are changing in the field of internal communication, With the availability of more modern communication tools such as corporate desktop wallpaper software, enterprise social media apps, instant messaging, and digital signage, the internal communication specialist has now more options in communicating with employees and enhancing collaboration in the workplace.

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