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3 min read

Employee Newsletter: Ideas for Creating an Engaging Employee Newsletter

An employee newsletter is effective in communicating news and updates to the employees and other stakeholders of an organization. Everybody looks forward to receiving their copy of the newsletter especially when most of the content concern them and their colleagues in the company where they belong. To create an effective newsletter, the first thing to remember is produce content and pages that aim to achieve the objectives of the reading material.

Objectives of an employee newsletter:

One of the ideas for employee newsletter is to remember that it is an internal communications channel. As such, it must contain important relevant messages, can achieve reader engagement and can influence the employees' attitudes and behaviors. To achieve this, the employee newsletter staff need to consider that objective in their production. Among the topics and articles that can achieve this objective are the important news from management such as announcements in their jobs or changes that the organization is planning to have in its system. Articles with content about leadership, improving employee performance, enhancing communication skills for success, and other related matters can help improve or change employees' attitudes and behaviors.

A Great Employee Newsletter is very easy to create with DeskAlerts

Employee newsletters are good materials to break down silos as employees from various departments share their activities and news from one department to another across the larger organization. A newsletter is the best communication method to relay information about company's HR announcements or updates without clogging up the email inboxes of the employees. Besides, if these updates are sent through the emails, there is a big tendency that the employees fail to open the message and end up missing the important announcement or information. An employee newsletter can give all the updates about the company that employees need to know. It accumulates and collects all the important details that are relevant to the members in the organization, both the management and the employees.

Among the other ideas for employee newsletter is that it has the appropriate contents needed to reinforce information and be relayed through proper communication channels such as the intranet. Also, newsletters must remember that its readers are busy people so make the articles clear summaries that can also make the employees navigate through the newsletter to read the other articles. It must also be searchable with easy to find articles that interest them.

Interesting ideas for employee newsletter:

Among the interesting topics that your employees will find engaging in the company newsletter are the following:

Employee accomplishments, awards, recognitions. It is recommended that the newsletter comes regularly and contain a spot for outstanding or excellent employees for the month or quarter. The organization explains what makes the employee exceptional and deserving of the award or recognition. The extra efforts that the employee have done can inspire and motivate the other employees to become one of those published in the newsletter as one of the company's outstanding staff.

Feature health-related articles as well as what the company can do to help employees prevent illnesses and stay well and physically fit. The article may feature various ways of preventing the spread of colds or tips on how to lift heavy things properly. An employee wellness program that contains information about the company's fitness classes schedule can also be posted.

Another suggestion on the ideas for employee newsletter is promoting the well-being of the employees through proper safety procedures in the workplace. The company may have some equipments and chemicals in the area and need to educate the employees on general safety rules. It can greatly help them prevent illnesses and maintain well-being.

Feature articles on the other branches or department of the company and what they do. This article can also produce more information about a department that is located in another state or country. Let the employees meet the staff there, and show how they work together as well as gain information on how they have maintained camaraderie and success as a team. This somehow breaks the silo that sets many departments apart from each other in a wider organization.

There are times that company executives and management hold meetings to discuss important company news to update on the various departments and other important topics. The minutes of the meetings and its topics are relevant to the organization and management may share topics that will be helpful to the employees but of course, confidential matters are not included in there. an example of these topics is the opening another office overseas. This will interest the employees as they all want to know more about their employer, how they are doing and most of all, how the new changes can affect them.

Relevant matters such as about employees: Changes, deadlines of work, and benefits. These topics are interesting to the employees as they concern them. They will always want to be updated with the latest from the management. If there are new benefits, they want to know about them.

These ideas for employee newsletter are very effective if you learn how to use them in your next employee newsletter.

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