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2 min read

Employee Newsletter Ideas You Can Consider for Your Next Issue

Getting the attention of busy workers is hard enough, and sustaining their interest is a lot harder. There are only eight hours for an employee to attend to his or her numerous tasks, from checking and replying to emails to coordinating with suppliers or customers. You can’t blame them if they immediately press “delete” the moment they see your email newsletter in their email inboxes.

You may have new email newsletter software to try, but unless you come up with new ideas to make your publication more interesting, the results will still be the same. Employees want new content and they’re likely tired of the same kilometric articles your unit has been publishing since time immemorial.

employees newsletter

Here are some ideas that you can consider for your next issue which could possibly be of interest to your readers:

1. Put more infographics.

Are the results of your company’s first half performance out? Has management set new goals for the start of the year? All those facts and figures you mention in a straight news article could bore your reader. Instead of presenting the facts in a news story, why don’t you put an infographic?

Infographics can make it easier for your readers to understand complex ideas. While news about your company’s good financial performance is certainly not hard to appreciate, you can make it easier for them to better understand the story. Infographics can also prevent information overload which can deter employees from further reading your newsletter.

So make sure that the email newsletter software that you are to use can easily make infographics. Fortunately most email newsletter software is capable of doing so.

2. Tone should be less formal.

Employees have had enough of formal forms of communication, from HR memos to IT memos. They would likely read a newsletter that has a less formal and more conversational tone.

The style of writing must also be in sync with the company you are working for. A toy company will have a newsletter with a style of writing that is different from a coffee chain internal newsletter, for instance.

You can also explore putting funny images, quotes, and jokes in your newsletter. This would show the lighter side of the business. It also adds a personal touch to the company newsletter. Just make sure that the jokes will be appropriate for your brand and audience.

3. Human Interest Stories.

With the number of employees in your firm, there should be a couple of them who have interesting stories to share. One of them may have recently climbed Mount Everest, or another one may have been recently engaged with a colleague. Or a well-loved personality is retiring. There are lots of personal stories that you can feature in your newsletter which could entice your co-workers into reading your publication.

4. Throwback issue.

Throwback is in these days, as seen in Twitter or Instagram posts that show old photos or images. If your newsletter has been around, why don’t you publish old articles or photos? Older employees will be intrigued in seeing how your company was back in the day.

5. Competition and quizzes.

One of the best ways to engage employees is to have quizzes where a token prize awaits the winner. You can run a quiz about a new product your company is launching, or about the new program IT is rolling out. This would also help increase employee awareness on various initiatives in the workplace.

Indeed, you don’t need to have new email newsletter software in order to capture the attention of your readers. It all goes back to fresh ideas. Try these five ideas in your email newsletter and see your readership to improve later on.

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