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Employee Survey: How to Generate Feedback From Employees

how-to-get-feedback-blog_minEmployee surveys have been done for decades, but it has had the same challenges through the years. One of these is the difficulty of having workers answer a communication questionnaire for employees. Generating feedback from communication questionnaire for employees can be quite a task, especially for an organization that is just starting to implement this type of project.

As much as possible, personnel should be encouraged to fill out communication questionnaire for employees. There are just too many findings that an organization can uncover from the conduct of employee polls, like insights into the thoughts and feelings of workers and ideas on areas of improvement in business processes. Moreover, employee polls can promote a feeling of inclusion among the rank-and-file.

Here are some tips on how to encourage more employees to answer a communication questionnaire:

Promote the Employee Survey

The staff should be fully aware of the survey days or even weeks before it is released. The team that is in charge of the employee poll, whether it is the human resource department or the corporate communications department, should see to it that the organization would know when, and more importantly, why it is being conducted.

The unit running it should be completely transparent about the poll. They should communicate why the organization is having one, especially if this is the first kind of initiative in the company, or if the last one was conducted years ago. They must also explain how the results of the poll will be used.

It is very critical for the organization to be honest and transparent about the goals of the survey. Employees are more likely to be participative in the poll if they understand its purpose.

Communicate Management’s Commitment to Follow Through with the Employee Survey Results

It is also crucial that top management is committed to the survey. This means that the bosses are not only supportive to the conduct of the poll, but are also open to taking action on the feedback from the employees.

If there is no support from the part of the management, then it may be more practical not to run an employee at all. If employees would learn that their opinions are not to be read and considered by their leaders, not only would this make the survey a very likely failure but also risk lowering engagement and reducing morale of the workers.

Keep the Employee Survey Simple

The rule of thumb in any questionnaire, whether it is a communication questionnaire for employees or one for customers, is for it to be short, concise, and simple. The person who is asked to answer it should have no problems reading, understanding, and answering the questionnaire.

The response time should not exceed 20 minutes. This will ensure that the employee won’t get discouraged by the length of the poll, but also give the unit in charge of it enough information or feedback from the participants.

As much as possible, there should be a few open ended questions. While open ended queries enable respondents to offer additional thoughts, the problem with this kind of question is that it is hard to quantify. Plus employees may have a hard time filling out the form.

Assure Employees Their Answers Are Confidential

One reason why employees are hesitant to take part in employee survey is fear that they will be reprimanded for revealing their grievances. The unit supervising the employee poll should tell the respondents that their answers will be treated with confidentiality. This means that their identity will be known only to the survey analysts. The respondents should also feel confident that they will not be punished for the bad survey results.

After the survey has been completed, the unit in charge of it should be ready to present its results, both bad and good, to the rest of the organization. The team can then follow it up with similar initiatives like focus group discussions to get more insight on particular areas of interest.

At the end of the day, the survey should not only be about the results but also the actions taken by those in power.

Management should take action basing on the results of the communication survey. Areas of success should be identified and sustained, while problems must be addressed. Management must then develop a plan of action to address the issues, and this ought to be communicated with the rest of the organization.

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