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2 min read

Ideas for Your Internal Company Newsletter

Your internal company newsletter is one of your organization’s most important communication platforms. However, in as much as you know that the newsletter is an effective means of communicating with employees and boosting morale and camaraderie, you are also running out of interesting and thought-provoking content. This is especially true if you’ve been distributing a newsletter regularly for some time now, and aren’t even sure if people actually take to heart what they read.

internal newsletter ideas

If you’re out of ideas, don’t fret. Here are some of the most effective and interesting internal company newsletter ideas that you can include in your next publication:

1. Letters from the management. When the owner of the company, president, CEO or any other executive addresses the staff, they seem more “human”. Notes that commend workers for doing a good job or doing their best for the company makes employees feel valued.

2. Company news. A staple feature of your newsletter, remember to include events and updates that are news-worthy, such as new employee accomplishments, corporate socials, and even new clients – especially if they are sought-after or iconic.

3. Announcements on new products or services. Let your staff in on your new products and offerings in your internal company newsletter, so that they can inform their own circle of friends and family about them.

4. Coupons, promotions and special offers. Aside from informing and entertaining employees, newsletters can also generate leads by giving special offers to your staff. This not only motivates them to read your newsletter, they can also use the offerings or give them away to people they know which, in turn, helps spread the word about your company and offerings.

5. Human interest stories. While your newsletter certainly contains a lot of business-related information, you don’t only have to delve in these kind of features. You can also create content that revolves around human interest topics such as how a particular employee successfully helped a client, or how owners of the business began the company from scratch. Stories such as these not only inform, but also engage and inspire.

6. Editorial pieces. Seek help from a manager or team leader to pen an opinion feature on one of the issues that is important to employees and to the business. You may also opt to include letters to the editor in which employees give their opinions regarding how business is being ran.

7. Employee spotlight. This is a “Who’s Who?” section that puts a spotlight on a particular employee and highlights his or her contributions, goals and other information that may be interesting for readers. This makes employees feel like they are valued, which then results in an increase in morale and engagement.

8. A Q&A section. Like letters to the editor, employees can send in their work-related queries, such as how to deal with difficult clients, or how to succeed in their work. The information that is gathered through this section can then be used as a knowledge base of FAQs in the future.

9. Event calendar. Special and notable events are mentioned in this section, such as the launch of new products, company socials, and others. You can generate excitement by listing down notable events coming up soon, and giving a brief description of the said events.

10. Behind-the-scenes. You may include photos of employees in recent programs and events in the company, and accompany these visuals with stories that not only inform readers, but also boost camaraderie between everyone who belongs to the organization.

If you are at a loss as to what to write in your next issue, utilize these ideas and always keep in mind that your goal in creating your internal company newsletter is to inform and engage your staff.

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