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3 min read

Internal Communications Solution

The specific communication needs of running a web-based businesses are met with DeskAlerts alert software: targeted emails, SMS and desktop alerts.

Operating a web-based business has specific challenges, and it is critical for business owners to have reliable and efficient methods of distributing information to employees and customers. Whether the business is a large corporation, a small business, or based from home, information must be current, accurate and controlled to ensure customer satisfaction and optimize success. DeskAlerts provides web-based alert software that allows distribution of information on an international level. The alert software uses SMS, specifically targeted emails, desktop alerts and RSS feeds to communicate critical information between business owners and their clients.

Rapid Distribution of Information Improves Communication among Business Owners, Colleagues and Employees.

  • Messages can be quickly sent without relying on email. Checking email takes time and “on-the-go” schedules do not allow for unnecessary browsing. Brief messages are better received via SMS or desktop tickers.
  • Emails can be targeted to specific associates or employees.
  • Screensaver messaging can be used to quickly communicate critical business updates.
  • Video messages can be delivered as desktop alerts or scrolling news feeds to increase “face-to-face” communication among associates, colleagues and employees.
  • Because DeskAlerts alert software is so rapid and reliable, business owners, associates and employees do not have to reside in the same geographic location.
  • Surveys and online forums can be used to gather feedback from employees.
  • DeskAlerts alert software allows informational resources, such as hyperlinks, to be embedded in scrolling news feeds, desktop alerts, internal newsletters and sequencing screensaver messages.
  • Alert software distributes information to employees regarding compliance with company regulations, policies and standards.
  • Alert software can program messages to repeat themselves until they are opened and read to completion. Reporting tools from DeskAlerts alert software allows administrators to see which messages are unopened or have not been received.
employee communications desktop alertDeskAlerts Alert Software Allows for More Effective Online Marketing.
  • Because information is so quickly distributed, the time required for marketing to potential clients is efficiently condensed, as knowledge of the product is increased.
  • Desktop quizzes and screensaver messaging channels provide educational opportunities to any employees about the products and the goals of the business.
  • Products can be marketed on the internet using desktop alerts, scrolling news feeds and pop-up quizzes and surveys.
Customer satisfaction and relationships are improved due to efficient distribution of information within the business and to online clients.
  • Because communication internally is enhanced, communication and service with customers also improves.
  • Alert software allows businesses to contact customers directly by reaching them at designated times with particular messages.
  • DeskAlerts provides clients with access to important information and reminders via desktop tickers, trading signals, videos, online classes and training and online conferences.
  • Customers are provided with information related to current products, discounts and sales. By allowing customers the opportunity to receive newsletters and specific RSS feeds, they can be informed of the status of their purchases, generating greater satisfaction and retention. • Customers are able to provide instant feedback on services with surveys and online forums, allowing web-based businesses to make necessary improvements.
Web-based businesses use alert software to monitor and regulate customer activity.
  • DeskAlerts provides web-based businesses complete control over the delivery and distribution of information to clients. The alert software allows businesses to create users and manage them.
  • Businesses are able to monitor and transact subscription fees, allowing payments to be processed with greater efficiency.
  • Information is not duplicated because only selected individuals are able to receive the client’s account data.
  • Alert software can quickly distribute up-to-date information to customers regarding any new developments and compliance with company regulations, policies, and standards.
  • If clients are violating policy or not paying for services rendered, DeskAlerts software can notify business owners to manage rapidly any problems.
Web-based businesses with customer service representatives can provide current information to both the representatives and clients, increasing satisfaction and retention.
  • SMS messages and brief desktop tickers allow representatives to have immediate access to information without having to take unnecessary time away from answering phone calls.
  • Because clients have fast answers to their questions, they are more likely to have increased satisfaction with the business.
Web-based businesses with IT staff can use DeskAlert alert software to stay updated on any technological malfunctions, improving customer service.
  • Communication of IT staff with business owners, other employees, and customers is crucial. Because IT staff is often busy, receiving short messages through SMS and desktop tickers eliminates their need to sort through unnecessary emails. Surveys and quizzes can help the IT staff gain feedback from other employees and clients.
  • Alert software enables IT to communicate with others about service changes, technology upgrades, internet security policies, compliance education, virus announcements and assistance channels.

system services administration desktop notificationsystem services administration desktop notificationDeskAlerts alert software allows both large and small web-based businesses the opportunity for success by facilitating the most efficient communication. The more effectively information is distributed within the business, and online to the internet, the more likely web-based businesses will attract clients and retain them.

Communicate Faster and More Effectively with DeskAlerts Alert Software.

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