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2 min read

How to Engage Your Employees with DeskAlerts

Studies show that around a third of American employees are engaged in their jobs, leaving an awful lot of scope for improvement.

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When you have high levels of engagement, your workforce is more productive. Companies with engaged employees perform more than 200 per cent better than companies where employees are not engaged.

As well as an increase in productivity, there is also increased morale, better profits, higher levels of innovation, decreased levels of absenteeism and presenteeism, and reduced rates of employee turnover.

Employees who are engaged at work often feel a connection with and loyalty to their company – they believe in the importance of the work they are doing and are inclined to give it everything they have.

Solving your engagement problems isn’t always going to be a quick fix. You need to put a meaningful strategy in place and incorporate it into all of your work practices. Too many times employee engagement is treated as an afterthought, and when this is the case it can backfire as cynical employees aren’t interested in platitudes and non-genuine efforts to engage them and boost morale.

When it comes to putting measures in place to begin engaging your employees, DeskAlerts can help.

DeskAlerts is an internal communications software system that has multiple features and options. It can be used in several ways to help with enegagement.

Survey staff

You can quickly create and publish employee surveys that are delivered straight to your staff members’ PC desktops to gather their feedback. As your employees respond to your survey, you can see the results via real-time reporting.

Allowing staff the opportunity to participate in a two-way communication flow is a good step on the way towards having an engaged workplace. However it is important that you respond to the feedback in a meaningful way, otherwise staff may feel it was a token effort.

Improve communication

Poor communication within organizations is a common contributing factor to low levels of engagement. Staff who believe they are kept in the dark about important information can feel isolated and not valued.

In many cases, there may be internal communications activities that are already taking place, but for various reasons the messages aren’t getting through. Perhaps emails are going unread as a result of the burden of high volumes of email. Maybe information is too difficult to find on intranet sites.
DeskAlerts can change all this by sending messages straight to your employees’ computers in the form of a pop-up window that can’t be ignored or minimized. This way you will know that all of your important corporate communications are being delivered and read.

Learning and development opportunities

Providing staff with learning and development opportunities is another way to boost engagement.

With DeskAlerts, you can deliver hints and tips to employees via desktop pop ups. You can also direct staff to training modules on your intranet site, or even deliver video training straight to them via the DeskAlerts pop-up interface.

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