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4 min read

Communication Between Managers and Employees

how to improve communication between managers and employeesTypically, managerial functions are divided into different categories, such as organization, staffing, leading, planning and controlling. But while there may be different roles managers play, all of them require effective communication between managers and employees.

By actively taking steps and understanding what managers should know about communicating in the workplace, you will help to create a more productive and satisfying workplace, as well as more engaged and motivated employees.

How to improve communication between managers and employees

This is how managers can improve communication in the workplace:

1. Regular communication

Ensure you are regularly communicating with your employees. Evaluate the communication methods and channels that you use – are they innovative, or could they be considered boring and unappealing? Video alerts, for example, may be more interesting to younger staff members. Other communication ideas include having regular meetings without holding them on a weekly basis, having one-on-one chats with your staff members every so often, asking employees if they want to get updates through email or through SMS alerts.

Also make sure to communicate with staff when there is breaking news such as new products being launched or gaining new important clients. Ensuring employees receive regular updates also boosts morale and engagement.

2. Asking and giving feedback

Look for ways to solicit feedback from your staff members. This will promote a more dynamic relationship between managers and employees and will make staff members feel valued and that their ideas matter to the company. Managers can gain insights and can make improvements to processes that could potentially be more efficient and effective. It also gives them an idea as to how engaged and motivated their staff members are. A good way to gather this information is via regular surveys such as employee engagement surveys or pulse surveys.

On the flipside, managers communicating can also include giving feedback to their teams about how they are performing. Constructive feedback as well as praise for a job well done and encouragement help workers feel more part of the company. A feedback system is one of the best ways of improving communication in the workplace.

3. Opening lines of communication

Listening is a critical skill when it comes to communication. One of the most important ways of improving communication is making sure that lines of communication between management and employees are open. Managers should be accessible. They should be able to set aside time to answer phone calls, answer emails, and chat with team members.

Listening involves your full attention. Hear what your employees have to say without interrupting them or thinking of your own reply as they speak. Even if you disagree with their thoughts or ideas, allow your staff members to speak. The better you are at listening, the more comfortable employees will be to approach you with their concerns and ideas.

4. Leading by example

Lead by example. Remember that your credibility as a manager is highly dependent on being able to deliver what you promise, on your ability to communicate positively with others, and acknowledging the successes and ideas of your staff members. Employees need to know that you are someone who speaks the truth, and you are someone who follows through on what you say.

Also, not only should you be aware of what you say, but how you say it. Be mindful of your communication style and your nonverbal cues. These indicate your level of transparency and willingness to openly communicate with your team members.

5. Showing respect through words and actions

At the very core of true and effective communication is respect. Although you may be leading, make sure that each one of your staff members feels respected and valued as people and as members of the team. Respect them through your words, your actions and your attitudes. A good way to model respect in the workplace is to use a tool such as a corporate screensaver that includes a reminder about your company values and workplace respect policies.


A lack of communication between managers and employees can be disastrous for a workplace. It will lead to mistakes, lack of direction, reduced productivity and poor morale. By taking steps to improve the interpersonal communication between managers and employees in your organization you can help to transform your company into one that is a top performer.

Frequently asked questions

Why is communication between managers and employees important?

The importance of manager employee communication cannot be overstated. Communication is pivotal to the overall success of a company. Without effective communication from senior leaders within the organization, employees will lack direction and be unmotivated and unhappy.

How can employees communicate better?

Employees can communicate better by having access to respectful, purposeful and meaningful avenues for two-way communication with management so that they can provide feedback, suggest ideas and raise concerns.

What are the types of communication between managers and employees?

Communication between manager s and employees examples include:

  • Emails
  • Phone calls
  • Team meetings
  • One-on-one discussions
  • Performance appraisals
  • Surveys

How do managers and employees communicate?

Effective communication between a boss and employees is vital for a productive and harmonious work environment. Managers should listen actively, provide clear instructions and offer constructive feedback. Employees, in turn, should express concerns, share ideas, and seek clarification when needed. 

Why is communication between employees and managers important?

Good communication between managers and employees promotes clarity, reduces misunderstandings, and ensures there is an alignment with organizational goals. Transparent communication builds trust, boosts morale, and strengthens relationships. It empowers employees, facilitates problem-solving, and encourages innovation. Ultimately, it cultivates a positive work culture and is a driver of organizational success.

How should managers talk to employees?

When speaking to employees, managers should strive for clear and respectful communication. They should actively listen, ask open-ended questions and provide constructive feedback. Regular communication builds trust, promotes understanding, and strengthens the manager-employee relationship.

How can you improve communication between managers and employees?

So how can managers improve formal communications? The following steps can help:

  • Foster an open-door policy, encouraging employees to freely approach managers with any concerns, ideas, or feedback.
  • Establish regular team meetings or one-on-one check-ins.
  • Deliver training on effective communication skills for both managers and employees to enhance their interpersonal interactions.
  • Use various communication channels, such as email, instant messaging, pop-up alerts or desktop tickers to ensure timely delivery of information.
  • Encourage active listening, empathy, and mutual respect to create an inclusive environment where everyone's voice is valued.

How can managers communicate better?

Managers can enhance their communication skills by focusing on clarity and active listening. When clear and concise language is used, it helps ensure messages are easily understood. Active listening, through attentive body language and summarizing points, demonstrates understanding and encourages open dialogue. 

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