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2 min read

In Need of Internal Newsletter Ideas? Here are Some

It’s that time of the year again when you have to publish another newsletter. You understand how important the newsletter is – it is great communication tool that helps you inform everyone in the organization about company news and bring about a feeling of belongingness and camaraderie between and among employees and departments. But let’s face it; you are running out of internal newsletter ideas. Generating engaging and appealing content can be difficult sometimes, especially if you have been producing the newsletter for quite some time already. Sometimes you even wonder if people even read the newsletter at all.

internal newsletter

Are you in need of some really good ideas? Fret not; we have compiled a list of internal newsletter ideas that you can use as content for your next publication:

1. Letters from the management. Ask the company owner, the CEO, the president or any other executive to address the staff in a letter. This makes the management more “human,” letting staff know and feel that they matter to the management.

2. Company news. Of course, this should be a staple in your newsletter. Think of newsworthy events and happenings that took place since the last newsletter – this could be the opening of a new branch, recent company successes or even new clients.

3. Announcements on new products or services. Got a new offering? Let the staff know firsthand, so they could spread the word to their own circles of family and friends – a great way of marketing.

4. Coupons, promotions and special offers. Newsletters should not just entertain and inform. They should also generate leads. You can give these special offers to your staff as perks – they themselves could use the offers, or give them away to family and friends. This would also help spread your brand and your product.

5. Human interest stories. Everybody loves a good story. Your newsletter does not have to be all about business; you can highlight success stories, how the company’s founders started the business from scratch, or how a certain employee helped this customer – any story that engages and inspires can be part of your newsletter, too.

6. Editorial pieces. Ask one member of the management team to write a piece about his opinion on a certain subject that matters to the organization. You can also include letters to the editor, where employees can voice out their opinions regarding things that matter to the business.

7. Employee spotlight. Make a regular Who’s Who? section that features a certain employee – his contributions to the company, what his goals are, and other pertinent information about him. This makes the staff feel that the organization values them, therefore encouraging their engagement.

8. A Q&A section. Like letters to the editor, the staff can contribute to the newsletter by voicing out questions about anything that has to do with work – how to deal with certain types of customers or tips about addressing customer issues. This can then become a knowledge base of best practices or FAQs.

9. Event calendar. Got a new product to launch? Is there a new project in the offing? Is the company outing coming up? Are you due for audit soon? Generate buzz and excitement by listing down the upcoming events and giving a brief background of what is going to transpire in the next few weeks. 

10. Behind-the-scenes. Include photos of your staff in action, recent company events, outreach programs you have initiated and other similar happenings. Photos and accompanying stories about these help create a sense of belonging and camaraderie between the management and your employees.

Producing your internal newsletter need not be difficult. With these internal newsletter ideas and your goal of engaging and informing your staff, your newsletter will surely be a success.

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