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2 min read

How to Deliver Critical Information When Mailboxes Are Overloaded

Everywhere, all over the world, workers are drowning in emails. And it’s no wonder - there’s around 269 billion emails sent every single day of the week – 149,513 every minute!


email overload


For many people, it’s almost impossible to keep up with the volume of emails that flood their inboxes all day long. Managing emails can take workers up to 13 hours a week they could be devoting to other tasks. And that’s if they even have time to dedicate to it at all!

The sad reality is around two thirds of emails might never get opened at all – they get lost in the volume of emails cluttering up inboxes.

So what does this mean for important information that you send to employees? You need your employees to read your messages as they contain vital information to help them carry out the company’s work to the best of their ability.

What it means is you quite possibly have a big problem. If you are relying on email as your primary internal communications channel, the statistics I mentioned earlier should be sobering and a wake up call.

Poor internal communication comes at a cost for your business. In fact a SMB Communications survey found the average cost of poor communication is as much as $26,000 per employee every year.

Poor communication can result in costly mistakes being made, staff feeling disengaged, low morale and high staff turnover (which then has associated recruitment costs).

There’s a simple solution to leapfrog over the top of heaving inboxes, cut through the clutter and get your message seen quickly and easily by all your employees: that solution is DeskAlerts.

When you invest in DeskAlerts for your organization, you never need to be at the mercy of the flawed email communications model ever again.

DeskAlerts is software that enables you to send pop-up notifications direct to the desktops of your employees. No matter what software they are using or what task they are doing, that message will appear on the screen.

Unlike when they receive emails, employees will have no choice but to read a DeskAlerts notification. These messages can’t be skipped, ignored or minimized and will even appear on screens that are locked, on standby or on screensaver mode.

You can deliver any type of internal communications, from important corporate announcements through to emergency notifications or advice about network outages.

The platform will enable you to embed HTML links to direct your staff to information that lives somewhere else such as on your corporate intranet site. You can also use it to send video content in a variety of formats - one of the most popular ways employees say they would like to receive information.

Messages can be sent to the entire organization at once, or if you need to target your messages to specific groups of recipients, you are able to do that too.

With a built in statistics module that you can see in real time, you can easily determine the success of your internal communications campaigns delivered with DeskAlerts.

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